Friday, February 8, 2013

CHD Awareness Nail Art Contest/Giveaway!

OK, so trying to decide what to do for this one.  Seeing the struggles of CHD patients everyday really opened my eyes.  I have never known someone close enough to be right there alongside them.  But the stories on this website really hit home.
The Polished Heart is sponsoring a CHD Nail Art Contest/Giveaway. 
Entries Close: February 28, 2013.

Go HERE for details.

I will post MY entry here when I finish it.

Now, what to do...what to do...what to do...

Friday, February 1, 2013

My collage...

OK, so a friend of mine  in a group I am in has a little boy that has CHD.  Some of you might be going "What's that?"

You don't hear much about the various Congenital Heart Defects (also known as CHD) that can be found unless you are directly related to someone who has one (or more, unfortunately). People just don't talk about it. They avoid the topic with sadness because they assume the prognosis is not good or just nod their head in sympathy. I admit, until last night, I was one of those people.

But it's not as hopeless and you might think. A friend sent me to the CHD website and I was touched by all of the stores of hope...and loss that were shared there. Such strong people! The way medicine has been able to help so many. So touching. I was crying like a baby last night...both with joy and sorrow.

However, research is still going on to figure out common denominators. They still aren't sure if it's random, environment related, genetics, etc. My goal here is to share this website so that YOU, the regular person, can see what I saw and join the crusade to make people aware about CHD.
God bless and keep all of you dealing with any form of CHD and results of it.

My collage I  made.  Isn't it awesome!  Ok, so maybe not, but it was my first time.  :D